We'll keep a close watch for suspicious transactions.
Establish authorized ACH transaction policies
Set policies for a specific date or date range
Set policies for a specific amount or amount range
Take a tough stance against fraudulent transactions.
Your business has plenty of legitimate expenses. The last thing you need is to lose money to people who make fraudulent ACH withdrawals. With BancFirst's ACH Positive Pay, we can help you make sure those trying to collect payments from you are truly entitled to them.
- Your company establishes ACH policies for authorized payments.
- We immediately update our records and compare this information against each ACH item presented to us for payment.
- We notify you early in the day of any suspect ACH items presented that do not match the policy you have established.
- Suspicious ACH items are flagged and immediately brought to your attention to approve or deny payment.
- ACH transactions are controlled by policies you create. No need to contact the bank.
BancFirst is a full-service bank with branches throughout Oklahoma.
Corporate Credit Cards
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- Safe & secure transactions