A full range of services customized to suit your needs
Foreign currency/International wire transfer
Trade finance
Letters of credit
Our services can make a world of difference.
BancFirst is committed to helping Oklahoma businesses of all types prosper in the global marketplace. Whether you are an exporter, importer or multi-national company, we take time to learn about your specific needs and provide creative solutions.
Commercial Letters of Credit
Available to importers or exporters, BancFirst will issue letters of credit that protect you, while meeting your customers' needs. Our experienced staff will examine documents with care and ensure prompt payment of goods if documents are in order.
Collection Services
BancFirst processes collections by the fastest means possible, making funds available to you as quickly as possible.
International Money Transfers & Drafts
We have access to a large number of foreign correspondents in countries worldwide. Our staff is committed to processing your wires, and issues draft orders promptly and efficiently.
BancFirst is a member of the S.W.I.F.T. (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) network, allowing quick and efficient delivery of wired funds, letters of credit, and accompanying communications.
Our foreign draft service allows you to have checks issued in foreign currencies that are payable in that country.
Foreign Currency Exchange
BancFirst utilizes a correspondent bank allowing us to trade in most currencies worldwide. This service is available at any BancFirst location.
Trade Finance and Consulting
Let our trade finance experts help assess your foreign exposure and suggest strategies to mitigate risk.
- Letter of credit confirmation and export credit insurance
- Working Capital Guarantee Program
- Banker's Acceptances - both exports and imports
For more information about BancFirst International Banking Services, call us at 918-664-3455.
BancFirst is a full-service bank with branches throughout Oklahoma.
Fiduciary Services
Protect what matters most. Fiduciary services include but aren't limited to:
- Estate planning
- Trust administration
- Portfolio management